
Do you want to improve your yard and grow a gorgeous garden? Learn gardening tips and tricks to keep your plants growing.

Two Reasons Why Laminate Flooring Is The Perfect Choice For Your Home

24 September 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

The type of material that you choose to cover the floors in your house can make a huge difference in determining the look and ambiance that you create. It's always important to factor in how the floors will fit into the overall scheme of your interior decor. However, while the appearance of your flooring is definitely paramount, you also have to make practical concessions as well. When it comes to both aesthetic appeal and functionality, few materials can stack up to laminate flooring. Read More …

Three Current Remodeling Trends For Your Kitchen

29 August 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Are you thinking about remodeling your kitchen? In order to have a kitchen that looks modern and up-to-date, the good news is you don't have to remodel the entire room. Here are three current remodeling trends for your kitchen. Granite Countertops Countertops can be made out of a variety of materials including ceramic tile, wood, stainless steel, and even concrete. Countertops that are made out of natural stone, such as marble and quartz, however are becoming increasingly popular. Read More …

Techniques To Help You Control Weed Growth In Your Garden

26 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

As soon as the weather warms up for spring, the weeds begin to emerge from the soil in your garden and landscaping. It can be easier to prevent weed growth than it is to pull them after they have grown and begun to mature. Here are two methods you can use to control and prevent weed growth in your garden and yard. Mulch Laying a layer of mulch over the soil in your garden and other landscaped areas helps your soil in several ways in addition to controlling weeds. Read More …

Signs You Have An Earwig Infestation On Your Property

26 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Earwig infestations are relatively rare, but when they do happen on your property you can feel like everywhere you turn these odd little creatures are underfoot. It's odd to find one of these insects indoors, and luckily they are not colonized critters, which means they do not infest properties in droves the way termites or bees do. Still, you can have an earwig infestation and not even know it or understand why this bug has decided to claim your property as their own. Read More …

A Guide To Your Granite Countertops

24 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you would like to emphasize the strong suits of your home and make improvements, the kitchen and bathroom are two great places to start. In these rooms, you can add drastic improvements by installing granite countertops. There are a few things that you will need to know when it comes to buying and owning these countertops. You can learn a little bit more about these factors by considering the following information, in addition to touching base with some contractors that offer excellent work. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Garden A Beautiful Place

I have never been one of those people who loves to spend time outside, but when I purchased a home, I wanted a gorgeous garden. I didn't want to risk the value of my property dwindling because of issues with a few simple details, so I focused on feeding my plants, improving their watering schedule, and avoiding some of the pests that were damaging my friends' and neighbors' lawns. If you have ever wondered how to create gardens that grow without a lot of care or long, lush, lawns, this blog is for you. Read more about home and garden topics here.