
Do you want to improve your yard and grow a gorgeous garden? Learn gardening tips and tricks to keep your plants growing.

A Guide To Your Granite Countertops

24 April 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you would like to emphasize the strong suits of your home and make improvements, the kitchen and bathroom are two great places to start. In these rooms, you can add drastic improvements by installing granite countertops. There are a few things that you will need to know when it comes to buying and owning these countertops. You can learn a little bit more about these factors by considering the following information, in addition to touching base with some contractors that offer excellent work. Read More …

3 Things a Reliable Rodent Control Specialist Should Be Able to Do for You

31 March 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Tired of trying to take care of your rodent problem alone? It may be time to hire a specialist to exterminate them from your household. Here are a few things a reliable rodent control technician should be able to do for you: Complete a Free Consultation You need to make sure that the rodent control specialist you decide to hire is easy to work with by getting to know them in person and seeing how they respond to your specific questions and concerns. Read More …

Power(Ful) Tools: 3 Must-Have Gardening Helps For Taking Care Of Your Home’s Landscape

29 March 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

While winter still dominates most of the Northern Hemisphere, it's clear to anyone who's glanced at their calendar that spring is really right around the corner – and with spring comes the reemergence of your personal garden. But there's a good chance that your gardening tools are either a bit rusty and broken down from years of use (or disuse), or that some may have gone missing entirely since the last time you used a trowel or spade. Read More …

How to Know It Is Time to Have Your House Locks Replaced

10 November 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

It is important to make sure that you are replacing the locks on your house doors as soon as it is needed, as this will help you avoid poor security in the future. To help you determine when it is time to have the locks on your house doors replaced, you will want to read through the following signs. The Key Gets Stuck Your house key should be able to slide in and out of the door lock without any problems. Read More …

Choosing The Right Window Treatment For Your Historic Home

23 August 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're in the process of restoring an old house to its former glory, the finishing touches and decorative details make all the difference when it comes to reflecting the true era of your home. One of the main ways you can make a nod to your home's history is by choosing window treatments that are authentic to its age. Here are some basic style guidelines that can help you know which window treatment will be most appropriate for your old house. Read More …

About Me
Making Your Garden A Beautiful Place

I have never been one of those people who loves to spend time outside, but when I purchased a home, I wanted a gorgeous garden. I didn't want to risk the value of my property dwindling because of issues with a few simple details, so I focused on feeding my plants, improving their watering schedule, and avoiding some of the pests that were damaging my friends' and neighbors' lawns. If you have ever wondered how to create gardens that grow without a lot of care or long, lush, lawns, this blog is for you. Read more about home and garden topics here.