Need Shade? How To Care For Your Canvas Canopy

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Need Shade? How To Care For Your Canvas Canopy

25 June 2020
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Summer is right around the corner. If you're making plans for outdoor activities, now's the time to invest in a canvas canopy. Canvas canopies provide protection from the elements. They also provide you with plenty of shade. This is especially important when natural shade isn't available. With the right care, your canvas canopy will last for years to come. Here are four tips that will help you care for your new canopy. 

Provide Good Fabric Care

When it comes to extending the life of your canvas canopy, it's important that you provide good fabric care. Canvas is a durable fabric. But, you still need to clean it on a regular basis. You can clean your canvas canopy with a garden hose. Fill a bucket with water and add several tablespoons of grease-cutting dish detergent. Rinse your canopy off using your garden hose. Use a soft bristle brush to clean the canvas. Rinse your canopy with the garden hose to remove soap. Let your canopy dry before putting it away. 

Protect the Frame

If you want to ensure long life for your canvas canopy, protect the frame. Many people forget to care for the frame. Unfortunately, frame damage can ruin your canopy. To protect your frame, wipe it down with a clean cloth after each use. This removes any dirt and sand that can cause problems for your frame. It's also important that you inspect your frame for damage after each use. If you use your canopy in the rain on a regular basis, apply a coat of rust-proof spray paint to the frame at least once a year. 

Avoid Weather Damage

If you plan to use your canopy in inclement weather, take steps to avoid damage. Inclement weather can be a problem for canvas canopies. This is especially true if you aren't prepared. First, always secure your canopy on windy days. This stops your canopy from blowing away. Second, never allow rain to pool on the canopy top. Finally, always remove snow packs. Excess snow can cause your canopy to collapse.  

Practice Safe Storage

Once you have your canvas canopy, you'll need to ensure safe storage. This is especially important if you plan to store your canopy for extended periods of time. To avoid damage, always use the right storage container. Before you put your canopy into storage, be sure it's clean and dry. It's also important that you take care when folding the canopy for storage.

Have more questions? You might consider visiting websites like EVANS AWNING to learn more about awning and canopy care and options that you hadn't considered before.

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Making Your Garden A Beautiful Place

I have never been one of those people who loves to spend time outside, but when I purchased a home, I wanted a gorgeous garden. I didn't want to risk the value of my property dwindling because of issues with a few simple details, so I focused on feeding my plants, improving their watering schedule, and avoiding some of the pests that were damaging my friends' and neighbors' lawns. If you have ever wondered how to create gardens that grow without a lot of care or long, lush, lawns, this blog is for you. Read more about home and garden topics here.