3 Easy Changes To Improve The Curb Appeal Of Your Home
Are you tired of your home looking bland? Would you like to spruce it up a bit without undergoing any major renovations? Here, you'll find a few ideas that are simple to complete but make a big impact on the curb appeal of your home.
Install Custom Shutters
Custom shutters can add a whole lot of charm with a very little amount of work. When you order the shutters custom to fit your windows, you won't have to worry about trimming them down or ending up with shutters that aren't quite long enough for the windows.
One great thing about shutters is the fact that you can add a splash of color to your home without it taking over the entire look. So, if you have a red front door, install some red shutters – it will pull the entire look together.
Place Potted Flower Gardens
Growing a flower garden can be a lot of work, but when you take the idea of the flower bed and use a variety of flower pots to create a potted flower garden, some of the work is eliminated. Since the plants will be in the potters, you won't have to worry as much about weeding every other day – the weeds will stay on the ground where they belong.
When placing your potted flower gardens, mix up the sizes and use cinder blocks and other materials to add height to some of the potters. You can make quite a statement with just a few potted flower gardens strategically placed around your property.
Stain the Concrete
Do you have a long sidewalk or driveway in front of your home that just looks like a big, gray slab of concrete? Well, you can transform the appearance of that big, gray slab with some concrete stain. A stain is applied using various techniques to create different finishes. Take some time and look through Google Images to find stained concrete that you like the looks of and find a how-to so that you can do the work yourself. Just remember, after you have the concrete stained, apply a coat of sealant to protect the color and keep water from seeping into the surface and damaging it when it freezes.
A few small changes can make quite an impact on the curb appeal – it doesn't always have to cost a small fortune to make improvements around the home. Hopefully, these ideas spark some creativity and motivate you to make some changes today.